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This course covers the basic concept of corruption, including the value of integrity, anti-corruption, forms of corruption, abuse of power in daily activities and organizations, as well as ways to prevent corruption. Cases related to corruption are discussed. Teaching and learning methods are implemented in the form of ‘experiential learning’ through individual and group activities. At the end of this course, students can understand the practice of integrity, the concept of corruption, anti-corruption, abuse of power, and the prevention of corruption in society and organizations.

This course is designed to introduce students to the constitutional system of Malaysia government; assess the sources of the British constitution; to study the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government, and to show the limitations on the exercise of governmental powers. More specifically, this course aims to introduce students to the principles of constitutional law such as the rule of law; separation of powers; the royal prerogative; and parliamentary supremacy.

An overview of media and how media technologies are influencing society is provided to students in this course. Students will learn about the use of mass media, its consequences, and how and why it has become a necessary component of daily life.

Students closely examine cultural items such as books, television shows, music, and advertisements to investigate the effects of media on culture and social structure. Students gain the ability to examine the social meanings of cultural items by employing a variety of theoretical frameworks.

Kursus ini merangkumi hubungan ilmu falsafah dengan Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan dan Rukun Negara. Penggunaan falsafah sebagai alat untuk memurnikan budaya pemikiran dalam kehidupan melalui seni dan kaedah berfikir serta konsep insan. Topik utama dalam falsafah iaitu epistemologi, metafizik dan etika dibincangkan dalam konteks isu semasa. Penekanan diberikan kepada falsafah sebagai asas bagi menjalin dialog antara budaya serta memupuk nilai sepunya. Di hujung kursus ini pelajar akan mampu melihat disiplin-disiplin ilmu sebagai satu badan ilmu yang komprehensif dan terkait antara satu sama lain.

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