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Historical context of media's role in society - UROX+
Course Content
Final Assessment
Media and Society
About Lesson

The impact of media on society can be significant and wide-ranging. Media can shape public opinion, influence politics, and drive consumer behavior. It can also be a powerful tool for education and socialization, providing access to information and perspectives.

However, media can also have negative effects, such as promoting stereotypes and contributing to the spread of misinformation The increasing prevalence of social media has raised concerns about the impact on individuals' mental health and the erosion of privacy. 


Historical context of media's role in society

In this lesson, we will explore the historical evolution of the media's role in society, tracing its development from ancient forms of communication to the digital age. By understanding the historical context, we can better appreciate the impact of media on societal norms, values, and structures.

Cave Paintings (10,000 BCE - 4,000 BCE)

  • Among the earliest forms of human expression were cave paintings, found in various parts of the world such as Lascaux in France and Altamira in Spain.
  • These paintings depicted scenes from everyday life, hunting expeditions, and spiritual beliefs.
  • Cave paintings served as a means of communication, conveying information about survival skills, cultural practices, and religious rituals.

Oral Tradition (Prehistoric Era - Present)

  • Before the invention of writing, oral tradition was the primary mode of communication for passing down knowledge, history, and cultural values.
  • Oral storytelling played a crucial role in preserving cultural heritage, transmitting folklore, and educating younger generations.
  • examples of oral traditions from various cultures, such as epic poems like the Iliad and the Odyssey in ancient Greece or the oral histories of indigenous peoples.


Pictograms and Petroglyphs (Prehistoric Era - Present):

  • Pictograms and petroglyphs are visual symbols and markings used by ancient civilizations to convey meaning.
  • Pictograms were simple drawings representing objects or concepts, while petroglyphs were carvings or engravings on rock surfaces.
  • Examples include the cave art of the San people in southern Africa and the petroglyphs of Native American tribes in North America.


Early Writing Systems (3,500 BCE - Present)

  • The development of writing systems marked a significant advancement in human communication.
  • Early writing systems, such as cuneiform in Mesopotamia and hieroglyphics in ancient Egypt, used symbols or characters to represent sounds, words, and concepts.
  • Writing enabled the recording of historical events, the dissemination of laws and religious texts, and the exchange of trade and diplomatic messages.
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